Source code for py_vollib.helpers.distributions

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-


A library for option pricing, implied volatility, and
greek calculation.  py_vollib is based on lets_be_rational,
a Python wrapper for LetsBeRational by Peter Jaeckel as
described below.

:copyright: © 2023 Larry Richards
:license: MIT, see LICENSE for more details.

About LetsBeRational:

The source code of LetsBeRational resides at .


    Copyright © 2013-2014 Peter Jäckel.

    Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software is freely granted,
    provided that this notice is preserved.

    The Software is provided "as is" without warranty of any kind, either express or implied,
    including without limitation any implied warranties of condition, uninterrupted use,
    merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose, or non-infringement.


# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

# Standard library imports
from __future__ import division
import math

# Related third party imports
import numpy

# Local application/library specific imports

[docs]def CND(x): y = numpy.abs(x) if y > 37.: CND = 0 else: Exponential = numpy.exp(-y ** 2 / 2.) if y < 7.07106781186547: SumA = 3.52624965998911E-02 * y + 0.700383064443688 SumA = SumA * y + 6.37396220353165 SumA = SumA * y + 33.912866078383 SumA = SumA * y + 112.079291497871 SumA = SumA * y + 221.213596169931 SumA = SumA * y + 220.206867912376 SumB = 8.83883476483184E-02 * y + 1.75566716318264 SumB = SumB * y + 16.064177579207 SumB = SumB * y + 86.7807322029461 SumB = SumB * y + 296.564248779674 SumB = SumB * y + 637.333633378831 SumB = SumB * y + 793.826512519948 SumB = SumB * y + 440.413735824752 CND = Exponential * SumA / SumB else: SumA = y + 0.65 SumA = y + 4. / SumA SumA = y + 3. / SumA SumA = y + 2. / SumA SumA = y + 1. / SumA CND = Exponential / (SumA * 2.506628274631) CND = 1 - CND if x > 0 else CND return CND
[docs]def CBND(x, y, rho): """ A function for computing bivariate normal probabilities. :: Alan Genz Department of Mathematics Washington State University Pullman, WA 99164-3113 Email : This function is based on the method described by :: Drezner, Z and G.O. Wesolowsky, (1990), On the computation of the bivariate normal integral, Journal of Statist. Comput. Simul. 35, pp. 101-107, with major modifications for double precision, and for ``|R|`` close to 1. This code was originally translated into VBA by Graeme West """ W = numpy.zeros((11,4)) XX = numpy.zeros((11,4)) W[1][1] = 0.17132449237917 XX[1][1] = -0.932469514203152 W[2][1] = 0.360761573048138 XX[2][1] = -0.661209386466265 W[3][1] = 0.46791393457269 XX[3][1] = -0.238619186083197 W[1][2] = 4.71753363865118E-02 XX[1][2] = -0.981560634246719 W[2][2] = 0.106939325995318 XX[2][2] = -0.904117256370475 W[3][2] = 0.160078328543346 XX[3][2] = -0.769902674194305 W[4][2] = 0.203167426723066 XX[4][2] = -0.587317954286617 W[5][2] = 0.233492536538355 XX[5][2] = -0.36783149899818 W[6][2] = 0.249147045813403 XX[6][2] = -0.125233408511469 W[1][3] = 1.76140071391521E-02 XX[1][3] = -0.993128599185095 W[2][3] = 4.06014298003869E-02 XX[2][3] = -0.963971927277914 W[3][3] = 6.26720483341091E-02 XX[3][3] = -0.912234428251326 W[4][3] = 8.32767415767048E-02 XX[4][3] = -0.839116971822219 W[5][3] = 0.10193011981724 XX[5][3] = -0.746331906460151 W[6][3] = 0.118194531961518 XX[6][3] = -0.636053680726515 W[7][3] = 0.131688638449177 XX[7][3] = -0.510867001950827 W[8][3] = 0.142096109318382 XX[8][3] = -0.37370608871542 W[9][3] = 0.149172986472604 XX[9][3] = -0.227785851141645 W[10][3] = 0.152753387130726 XX[10][3] = -7.65265211334973E-02 if numpy.abs(rho) < 0.3: NG = 1 LG = 3 elif numpy.abs(rho) < 0.75: NG = 2 LG = 6 else: NG = 3 LG = 10 h = -x k = -y hk = h * k BVN = 0 if numpy.abs(rho) < 0.925: if numpy.abs(rho) > 0: hs = (h * h + k * k) / 2. asr = math.asin(rho) for i in range(1,LG+1): for ISs in [-1,1]: sn = math.sin(asr * (ISs * XX[i][NG] + 1) / 2) BVN = BVN + W[i][NG] * numpy.exp((sn * hk - hs) / (1 - sn * sn)) BVN = BVN * asr / (4. * numpy.pi) BVN = BVN + CND(-h) * CND(-k) else: if rho < 0: k = -k hk = -hk if numpy.abs(rho) < 1.: Ass = (1. - rho) * (1. + rho) A = numpy.sqrt(Ass) bs = (h - k) ** 2 c = (4. - hk) / 8. d = (12. - hk) / 16. asr = -(bs / Ass + hk) / 2. if asr > -100: BVN = A * numpy.exp(asr) * (1 - c * (bs - Ass) * (1 - d * bs / 5.) / 3. + c * d * Ass * Ass / 5.) if -hk < 100: b = numpy.sqrt(bs) BVN = BVN - numpy.exp(-hk / 2.) * numpy.sqrt(2. * numpy.pi) * CND(-b / A) * b * (1. - c * bs * (1. - d * bs / 5.) / 3.) A = A / 2 for i in range(1,LG+1): for ISs in [-1,1]: xs = (A * (ISs * XX[i][NG] + 1)) ** 2 rs = numpy.sqrt(1 - xs) asr = -(bs / xs + hk) / 2 if asr > -100: BVN = BVN + A * W(i, NG) * numpy.exp(asr) * (numpy.exp(-hk * (1 - rs) / (2 * (1 + rs))) / rs - (1 + c * xs * (1 + d * xs))) BVN = -BVN / (2. * numpy.pi) if rho > 0.: BVN = BVN + CND(-max(h, k)) else: BVN = -BVN if k > h: BVN = BVN + CND(k) - CND(h) CBND = BVN return CBND
if __name__ == "__main__": from py_vollib.helpers.doctest_helper import run_doctest run_doctest()