Source code for py_vollib.ref_python.black_scholes.implied_volatility

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-


A library for option pricing, implied volatility, and
greek calculation.  py_vollib is based on lets_be_rational,
a Python wrapper for LetsBeRational by Peter Jaeckel as
described below.

:copyright: © 2023 Larry Richards
:license: MIT, see LICENSE for more details.

py_vollib.ref_python is a pure python version of py_vollib without any dependence on LetsBeRational. It is provided purely as a reference implementation for sanity checking. It is not recommended for industrial use.


# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

# Standard library imports

# Related third party imports
from scipy.optimize import brentq

# Local application/library specific imports
from py_vollib.ref_python.black_scholes import black_scholes

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[docs]def implied_volatility(price, S, K, t, r, flag): """Calculate the Black-Scholes implied volatility. :param price: the Black-Scholes option price :type price: float :param S: underlying asset price :type S: float :param K: strike price :type K: float :param t: time to expiration in years :type t: float :param r: risk-free interest rate :type r: float :param flag: 'c' or 'p' for call or put. :type flag: str >>> S = 100 >>> K = 100 >>> sigma = .2 >>> r = .01 >>> flag = 'c' >>> t = .5 >>> price = black_scholes(flag, S, K, t, r, sigma) >>> iv = implied_volatility(price, S, K, t, r, flag) >>> expected_price = 5.87602423383 >>> expected_iv = 0.2 >>> abs(expected_price - price) < 0.00001 True >>> abs(expected_iv - iv) < 0.01 True >>> sigma = 0.3 >>> S, K, t, r, flag = 100.0, 1000.0, 0.5, 0.05, 'p' >>> price = black_scholes(flag, S, K, t, r, sigma) >>> print (price) 875.309912028 >>> iv = implied_volatility(price, S, K, t, r, flag) >>> print (round(iv, 1)) 0.0 """ f = lambda sigma: price - black_scholes(flag, S, K, t, r, sigma) return brentq( f, a=1e-12, b=100, xtol=1e-15, rtol=1e-15, maxiter=1000, full_output=False )
if __name__ == "__main__": from py_vollib.helpers.doctest_helper import run_doctest run_doctest()